What is ‘Hakata Teippon,’ Essential in Hakata’s Business Scene?

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What is Hakata Teippon?
The “Hakata Teippon” is a ceremonial handclap that symbolizes Hakata’s traditional culture, commonly used as the closing gesture at meetings or banquets. It signifies, “I will not object later.” Working in Fukuoka, I often witness the use of Hakata Teippon. In Hakata’s business culture, this gesture is a well-established part of etiquette, making it an essential ritual for locals. For businesspeople newly stationed in Hakata, this article is a must-read.
The History of Hakata Teippon and Its Connection to “Iwai Medeta”
The origin of Hakata Teippon can be traced back to the traditional event of the Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival. Over time, this custom spread among merchants, becoming a formal business ritual. In more formal settings, Hakata Teippon is often paired with the celebratory song Iwai Medeta. The typical practice is to sing Iwai Medeta first, followed by the Hakata Teippon clap.
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How to Perform the Hakata Te Ippon and Key Points
The “Hakata Te Ippon” is performed with a unique rhythm and chant. Since mistakes can be seen as disrespectful, it’s best to practice ahead if you might need to use it in a business setting. It’s essential to finish it cleanly in one go, as retakes are considered bad luck. In real situations, there is often a quick practice round beforehand for those unfamiliar with the Hakata Te Ippon.
Follow these steps to give it a try yourself. I also recommend checking the rhythm in a video to get a clear understanding.
- Preparation:
Raise both hands slightly, ready to clap. - Rhythm:
“Yoo-oh” (Clap, Clap) - Rhythm:
“Mo Hitotsu” (Clap, Clap) - Rhythm:
“Iou San※” (Clap, Clap, Clap) [Irregular rhythm]
※ “Ioute Sando” is another phrase that may be used.
YouTube Channel “yokanavi”
Demonstration by Hakata Gion Yamakasa Promotion Association
Iwai Medeta from 0:00, Hakata Te Ippon from 0:39
Points to Note for Hakata Te Ippon
The “Hakata Te Ippon” is often used during business meetings with local companies, serving as a tool to strengthen relationships. As a unique etiquette practice in Hakata, it’s valuable to learn this as part of business manners.
However, since Hakata Te Ippon is considered a formal gesture, avoid using it in casual situations. It’s essential for the leader of the group to initiate, with everyone following the rhythm together. Also, keep in mind that redoing it is considered unlucky, so aim to perform it correctly on the first try!
The “Hakata Te Ippon” is a deeply rooted ritual in Hakata’s business culture, often performed at meetings and gatherings. For business professionals new to Hakata, encountering Hakata Te Ippon for the first time can be confusing. We recommend practicing it beforehand by using this article as a guide to help you feel prepared.